The project "Identification of future skills needs in micro and craft(-type) enterprises up to 2020" is funded by the EU-commission GD Enterprise and Industry. The aim of the project is to contribute to a better understanding of the current and future skills needs of micro and craft -(type) enterprises in Europe and to a better integration of these needs in existing policy initiatives at EU level. The project has started in December 2009 and ends in December 2010 and focuses on the sectors: building / construction, food and health / personal service and takes places in eight different countries.

The project has 4 main aims:

  • Identification of good practice with regard to skills development and life-long-learning in micro and craft(-type) enterprises and anticipation of skills needs.
  • Based on good practice analysis an in-depth analysis of recruitment difficulties as perceived by employers.
  • Elaboration of ways to overcome existing or arising skills gaps and propose ways to better match skills supply and labour market demand (focus on some selected professions may be necessary).
  • Present recommendations for action at various levels (national VET systems, policy, employers’ organisation).